Less is more.
(No is a powerful word)
Having less commitments grants you more time.
More time creates more freedom.
More freedom creates opportunity.
Opportunity creates choice.
Choice allows options.
Options allow YOU to choose the BEST.
Less is more.
(They own us)
We own nothing.
Things own us.
Things require :
insurance, registration, licenses, contracts, leases, upkeep, washing,
vacuuming, electricity, batteries, storage, waxing, washing, “updates”.
Rust, depreciate, cause worry, occupy mental space, physical space, consume time
have monthly bills, yearly costs, need repair, distract, cause envy.
Less is more.
In this world of competition and consumerism the mainstream
narrative is the more you have, the “happier” you will be.
There are those who are silently enjoying a simple life.
A subculture of simple living.
Its time for a R3volution.
A revolution to a life with more.
Less IS more.