Welcome to the R3volution. There is no app for common sense!
distracted: adjective 1. unable to concentrate because one is preoccupied by something else. 2. mentally troubled or distraught. Welcome to the R3volution. You are not alone. But your probably distracted! -Scott
Scattered attention in the form of 24 x 7 digital notifications, alerts, email, texts, have created a blurry existance for most. Buried under the noise floor of modern day “progress” is the now rare art of focus. Focus (Defined) 1-A center of activity, attraction, or attention. 2-A point of concentration. 3-Directed attention : emphasis. Lack…
Bike commuting (Winter)
You bike commute to worrk? YES. Even in the in the winter? YES. In the snow? YES. (Its snows in NH in the Winter!) In the cold? YES. (Winter in NH is usually cold). (Photo op on todays commute) Yes. Yes I do. The mere mention of bike commuting year round makes the eyebrows of…
I quit the news.
Last week I took in no news. For one week – no news, from any source. I learned alot. News fast Day 1. I became AWARE of how often I felt compelled to “check the news”. I ignored my minds VERY FREQUENT “request” to check the news. Financial news…Hows gold doing? What about Bitcoin? Has…
Why cycle? (part 2)
(From Part 1 of “Why Cycle?” “Since 1994 Ive continued to cycle. Cycling serves as a gym, transportation, mental therapy and enables great moments of mobile meditation”. Part 2. GET OUT! (of your car). Living in this small city (Concord, NH) getting around by car is the norm. But why? In this city, like most-everything…
Know. Later.
Online banking is wonderful I suppose but just the omnipresent availability of it is a distraction.
During that chapter of my journey, I often thought of Dude. Why the hell was HE so happy in this field that I enjoy about as much as being electrocuted for 8 hours a day. EVERY day.
The Pull of the Bull
We have no idea what the Russian govt may have tweeted- or when the next big tax hike will come from our un elected “leader”. And ya know what……….We really dont need to know- or even “care”.